Vacation and sick time

Managers should encourage employees to regularly schedule vacation time off. Managers must also approve or deny vacation and sick time requests. While managers should, when possible, accommodate an employee’s reasonable request for time off, sometimes the business needs of the department must take priority. Managers also must consider how the absence will affect co-workers.

See the Vacation and Sick Time policies.

Other leaves

You should be aware of the various different types of leave available to your employees – both paid leaves and unpaid. These are all supported by either federal or state law, or university policy – you must comply with appropriate requests to take any of these leaves:

Paid for staff

Unpaid for staff

Medical leave in particular can be complicated, and can impact your team. Work closely with your HR Partner when one of your employees requests medical leave.

  • Be supportive of the employee needing medical leave
  • Keep in touch with employee during the leave to see how s/he is doing, but be aware that you may not ask an employee to work or return to work until cleared to return
  • Consult with USC Disability Management on any questions; Disability Management may also contact you, as the manager, with questions during the process (you may also be contacted by Broadspire, USC’s third party administrator)
  • USC’s goal is to return the employee to work as quickly as possible, providing needed accommodations as appropriate; if accommodation efforts are proving problematic, work with your HR Partner for alternatives